In 2018 the project on "Shop No. 23 Construction of a waste disposal site" passed the Main state examination, and the main task in 2019 is the construction of the complex. In 2020, to start its operation, pre-renew the license for waste management activities.
In accordance with the program of environmental measures, in order to comply with the requirements of environmental legislation, in 2019 the Nature Protection Department plans to:
1. According to Article 31.1. of Federal Law «Environmental Protection», being effective from 1.01.2019 for two facilities related to Shop No.13, to proceed with preparation of documents in order to obtain the Complex ecological permit, which shall be obtained by legal entities, who is carrying out commercial and (or) other activities at the I category facilities, due to expiration of permitting documents allowing discharge of pollutants into the water body Chornaya river, treated wastewater, through Outlet No. 1 and Outlet No 2.
2. To make an inventory and to develop the maximum permissible emissions project for facilities of "Neftyanik" sports complex. The maximum permissible emissions project is required for implementation of production control, reporting and for calculation of fee for negative impact.
3. To prepare materials and to perform calculations (maximum permissible emissions project) of standards for maximum permissible discharge of pollutants into the water body Chornaya river through Outlet No. 1 of treated industrial wastewater and through Outlet No. 2 of Kirishi treated domestic wastewater at LLC "KINEF "wastewater treatment facilities. The data are required for preparation of Complex ecological permit.
4. To obtain decision on the use of the water body Chornaya river for discharge of treated wastewater through Outlet No. 1 and through Outlet No. 2.
5. To conclude a contract with the Committee on natural resources of the Leningrad region for the use of the water area Chornaya river (quay).
6. To prepare materials for the development of permitting documents for facilities under construction in order to establish normative standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal and to establish normative standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants in accordance with the internal construction itemized list for 2019, if required.
7. To develop a program of equipping the stationary sources of LLC "KINEF", as an enterprise of the I category of negative impact on the environment, with automated systems for measuring and recording emissions and discharges of pollutants, as well as technical means of recording and transmitting information to the state data Fund of state environmental monitoring, in accordance with paragraph 9 of Article 67 of Federal law No.7-FZ dated 10.01.2017. "Environmental Protection" and being effective on 01.01.2016 of Federal law №219-FZ dated 21.04.2014 "On amendments to the Federal law "Environmental Protection".