The activity of the enterprise carried out with violations of requirements in the field of environmental protection may be limited, suspended or terminated in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
To ensure compliance with environmental requirements, the following works and activities were carried out at the enterprise:
1. Regulatory documents have been developed and permits have been obtained:
- an inventory of sources of polluting substance emissions into the atmosphere was made at LLC "KINEF" facilities located in the territory of “Yunost” hotel complex, “Belgrade” restaurant and facilities of the tank farm and Shop No 46 light products loading rack. On the basis of the inventory data, 3 MPE projects for these facilities were developed, and the standards and permits for the emission of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmosphere for 2019-2023 were obtained;
- a draft ADR (allowable discharge rate) for substances and microorganisms entering the water body (Ingor river) from the sewage of LLC "KINEF" health complex was developed. ADRs were obtained for the period of 2019-2023.
- the permission is obtained to discharge pollutants into the Ingor river (Outlet No. 1) within the established limits, subject to the implementation of the agreed plan to reduce the discharge of pollutants;
- a project is developed for the facilities of LLC "KINEF" health complex. On the basis of WGSWDL (Waste Generation Standards and Waste Disposal Limits) project the enterprise has a document on approval of waste generation standards and limits for their emplacement for the period of 2019-2023;
- the decision on assignation to use water body of the Ingor river for wastewater discharge was obtained;
2. Reports for 2018 have been prepared and sent in a timely manner:
- statistical reports were sent to RosStatUpravlenie 4-OS "About the current environmental protection costs and ecological payments";
- a form of statistical report, 2-TP-waterworks, was sent to Neva-Ladoga Water Basin Board
- the following forms of statistical report were sent to RosPrirodNadzor: 2-TP-air, 2-TP-waste, the technical reports on waste management (10 reports), statistical report 2-TP reclamation, a report on the results of monitoring the environment condition and pollution on the territory of the waste storage and burial facility and within its impact on the environment, and the report on production control;
- the calculations were made on meeting the standards for waste disposal, on environmental fees and on the basis of these reports, "Declaration of the Quantity of Released into Circulation on the Territory of the Russian Federation for the Previous Calendar Year Finished Goods Including Packaging to be Disposed in 2017" was prepared. All these documents were sent to the Department of RosPrirodNadzor for the Northwestern Federal District.
- the report was sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources on the use of ozone depleting substances, the circulation of which is subject to state regulation;
- the data on the observation post (18.2 km from the mouth of the Chornaya river) were sent to the RosGidroMet data fund in accordance with the license requirements. Observations are conducted in order to determine the natural background of the river.
- all the necessary documents and reports were sent in compliance with the requirements of the supervisory authorities of Neva-Ladoga Basin Water Board, the Committee on Natural Resources of the Leningrad region, the Committee on Fisheries, RosGidroMet, the Department of RosPrirodNadzor for the NWFD and RosPotrebNadzor;
3. The quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from LLC "KINEF" was calculated under "Guidelines and Guidance on Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions by the Entities engaged in business and other activities in the Russian Federation". The report was sent to the Department of RosPrirodNadzor for the Northwestern Federal District.
The total amount of greenhouse gases was:
for 2016 – 3,598,621 tons of CO2-equivalent;
for 2017 - 3,348,252 tons of CO2 equivalent;
for 2018 – 3,229,019 tons of CO2-equivalent.